Table Editor

Access to data available in database files and other table type files can be done through Table Editor. Depending on the table type CUBE has introduced different functionalities and tools.

Opening tables:

Files like .csv, or .dbf can be opened directly in Table Editor through the File menu > Open.
Tip: A table filter Table (*.dbf, *.csv) is available in the Open window.
Tables inside database files like .gdb or .sqlite will be automatically opened in Table Editor when selected, while other geospatial datasets will be opened in GIS Editor.

To open other database contents like geodatasets in Table Editor, select the layer/dataset you wish to open in the Map Layers section in Map window and select Open as Table.

Navigating Records:

When navigating through big database tables CUBE has several tools that allow easy navigation through records in Table Editor

Move to first record.

Move to the previous record.

Move to the next record.

Move to the last record.

Move to/Show selected record

Go to a specific record by typing record number.

The Search navigation bar on the top right of the Table Editor allows To search for a specific entry value or term.

If you expand on the search symbol you can also select and unselect:

  • Find all: Finds all the values that match the value typed
  • Whole word: Finds the cells that match the typed 'word'.

Table Editor has integrated tools that allow you to edit database data, create table views based on query definitions, visually compare multiple table's data and other functionalities. Check the tutorial section Everything to do with tables and matrices for videos and detailed instructions about working in Table Editor.